
Sustainable Agriculture For A Better World

‘’ Earth Knows no desolation she smells regeneration in the moist breath of decay ’’

(George Meredith)

Employing chemical fertilizers for agriculture is the most prevalent worldwide agronomic practice today. However, excessive, prolonged usage of chemical fertilizers causes enormous environmental and social impacts. As per the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) during the last 100 years, the amount of man-made nitrogen compounds in soil, water, and the air has doubled. Usage of excessive chemical fertilizers has caused rapid deterioration of soil and groundwater, loss of soil fertility, accumulation of heavy metals in soil and plants, reduce soil productivity, breaks the natural eco-system balance by destroying soil microflora, and causes water pollution by inducing the eutrophication. The environmental concerns lead to new movements that demand low input use agriculture systems, including organic agriculture that provides an ecofriendly way of crop cultivation by using, plant and animal-based local organic resources, enriched with nutrients required for crops. This concept is comprised of eco-friendly fertilizers, pesticides, and cultivation practices. The core principles of the sustainable agricultural approach include health, ecology, fairness, and care that ensure sustainable development.

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